Dry weather could hurt some Iowa trees

DES MOINES — An early spring means a head start for Iowa gardens but it could make things difficult for the state’s trees.

DNR Forester Tivon Feeley says conifer trees in particular may have some problems “We are very, very dry still. And when you have that wind and the ground that still a little bit frozen so roots can’t take up water, we see something called winter desiccation,” he says. Feeley says the symptoms may not appear until well into spring.

“The conifers look fine right now, but when we get further down the line in June, they’re going to brown up. I think it’s a high likelihood of something we’re going to see. Because they’ve dehydrated themselves now, and it just takes awhile to catch up to the tree,” he says. You will notice that the greenery turns brown and Feeley says the winter desiccation often kills the trees.