Cerro Gordo supervisors approve FY 2023 budget, tax levy heading down

MASON CITY — The Cerro Gordo County Board of Supervisors this morning approved the county’s budget for Fiscal Year 2023.

Budget manager Heather Mathre says the budget will see the countywide tax levy decrease by 31 cents while rural taxpayers will see a 35 cent decrease.  She says the countywide tax levy will decrease from $5.78 per $1000 assessed valuation to $5.47, while the rural levy will drop from $3.43 to $3.39.

Mathre says over the last decade, the county’s tax rate has been steady or declined.  “The tax rates have held constant and have actually started to fall in the last number of years since 2017 we have decreased the tax rate.”

Mathre says there will be about $2 million more of spending in the Fiscal Year 2023 budget up to $41.6 million. “A couple of changes in there, highlights — secondary roads is increasing their budget for capital projects. Also the secondary road maintenance sheds construction where we have $3 million budgeted for that.”

Mathre says one area that is a big change is mental health after a change in state law.  “Mental health will no longer have taxes collected and paid through the county. The state is taking that over. You’ll see a decrease in our mental health expenditures from $2.3 million down to about $40,000.”

Supervisor Casey Callanan thanked the hard work of Mathre and department heads who worked on the budget.  “I’ve said it before, this is probably the most important task that we as supervisors take up year in and year out. It’s nice to see that we are able to expand county services while lowering the levy. So again, thanks to all that helped out with this.”

Fiscal Year 2023 for the county starts on July 1st.