DNR determines fungal disease killing carp in Storm Lake

STORM LAKE — Dead fish are washing up on the shore of Storm Lake. Iowa Department of Natural Resources fisheries biologist Ben Wallace says an initial investigation indicates one species of fish is affected.

“It looks to be a disease kind of specifically impacting the common carp,” he says, “so, to be honest, not a huge impact on the fishery there.”

Wallace says thousands of dead carp have been found along Storm Lake’s shore.

“This kind of thing does happen. It’s not super common, but it’s a natural occurrence to have disease outbreaks in wild fish populations,” he says. “…They have a lot of necrotic tissue on their gills, had some fungus growing on their scales and stuff, so everything points to a disease impacting the common carp.”

Wallace hopes to find a lab to test sample fish to gain more information. He says the kill could last a couple more weeks before the disease runs its course. He does not expect other species of fish in Storm Lake to be impacted.