Cerro Gordo supervisors pass Fiscal Year 2025 budget

MASON CITY — The Cerro Gordo County Board of Supervisors today approved the county’s Fiscal Year 2025 budget.

Finance director Heather Mathre says the countywide and the rural property tax levies will be dropping for the next fiscal year.  “The countywide levy will be dropping 11.6 cents from $5.46 down to $5.34. The rural levy will be dropping roughly 10 cents from $3.39 down to $3.29.”

Mathre says the county will have $4.8 million worth of capital projects, down from $5.3 million in the current fiscal year. Expenditures in the upcoming budget year will be $42.8 million, with $37.9 million of revenue coming in.

No one spoke about the budget during a public hearing held at the meeting.