State Auditor looking to fill law enforcement-style positions in his office

MASON CITY — State Auditor Rob Sand says he’s looking to fill more law enforcement type positions in his office.

Sand says it’s important for his office to have someone with a law enforcement background help with his office’s investigations.  “We conduct the public corruption investigations in this state. We now actually have created a position in my first term for people with a law enforcement background. We’ve had a former federal agent and a former state trooper fill that position. It really helps us make sure that our investigations are going to work in court after we’ve issued them.”

Sand would like those in law enforcement interested in a position in his office to apply.   “The more we work closely with law enforcement, obviously I was doing that as well when I was a prosecutor in the Attorney General’s office, and I think that’s important to make sure that we get justice and we get fairness for taxpayers.”

For more, head to the State Auditor’s website at