Mason City gets $1 million to complete industrial park water infrastructure expansion project

MASON CITY — The City of Mason City has received $1 million as part of a Community Project Funding award through Congresswoman Ashley Hinson’s office to complete a water infrastructure expansion project to serve the city’s south industrial park. The city says the project is critical to several major development projects and the future growth of the local economy.

Hinson tells KGLO News that she wanted to make sure the Mason City project was one of 14 local projects included in the recently-approved government funding package.  “I made a number of targeted requests based on need in our communities throughout the district. I made requests for water infrastructure, for daycares, for healthcare to expand maternal healthcare access. I was really focused on what are the needs of Iowans right now that we can fund in a very targeted, finite way while still making cuts to the EPA and FBI and ATF, places I know Iowans have told me we’d rather see our money come to projects in our home state than go to these agencies.”

The project will help create the capability to provide a much larger volume of water entering the industrial park area from the high-pressure zone side of the distribution system to directly service current and future development.