WASHINGTON — Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley was with President Trump at the White House yesterday to mark a milestone.

“We have a president that said he was going to run on a platform and he stands on that platform and you’ve particularly done it for judges,” Grassley said.

By the end of this week, one quarter of the judges on federal appeals court will have been appointed by President Trump. Trump invited Grassley to speak at yesterday’s event and Grassley mentioned the list of conservative prospects for court openings that Trump released during the 2016 campaign.

“You ran on a platform that no other president has run on, to tell the type of people that you were going to put on the Supreme Court,” Grassley said. “…Twenty percent of the people voted for you based on the proposition of the type of people you were going to put on the Supreme Court.”

As chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Grassley helped guide Trump’s nominees — including two new Supreme Court justices — through senate confirmation. The Republican-led Senate has also confirmed 112 judges for federal district courts around the country.

The U.S. Senate’s Democratic leader yesterday called Trump’s judicial nominees “the most radical and unqualified” judges the senate has confirmed in the past three decades.